Yeah I am sure you guys out there whoever that actually reads my blog will be tired of me saying things like " 2 more weeks to go" "i am excited" " i cant wait for it anymore" bla bla bla.... well yeah I do have those feelings but not going to start writing about them anymore because I realised that it is redundant whenever my friends start telling me about it.... Though the girls and the softer guys tend to say that they will miss home, Malaysian food.. So instead of rambling about me going to Uk soon, I was quite fascinated by the different ways people actually react to changes or uncertainties.... YES, I am referring to gender this time. Call me sexist or whatever but this is my blog =)
Well, lets get back to the main topic, why do guys look forward to new changes more? Lets take biological inheritance as a hypothesis. Supposing that if we look back to pre historic times, Cavemen are actually the one that roams around in the wild, hunting for food, cherishing the challenges from nature;s best, as they are eager to try out their newly invented weapon and then emerge victorious (hahaha?) and bring back food for his family. On the other end, Cavewomen, will actually be in the cave or in some sort of settlement waiting, standing guard (not literally) while providing care to the children. This trend continued all the way through for centuries, on a second thought, for millenium thus as Charles Darwin and many other Psychobiologist pointed out for the past few centuries that though behavours do change according to the environment, the inherited nature will still remain intact in one upon birth. Ok, so bring back to todays context, that explains much as to why girls dont look forward that much to new changes as much as guys do because of their inherited emotional sides. Some may want to disagree with this but from my experience, girls themselves actually admit to this fact too. Guys on the other hand will see this overseas experience as an opportunity to test their new found strength, see the unseen and eventually emerge victorious.
LOL.. enough of senseless rambling, back to my life.. Life is better than fine as I always believe it is :) Currently enjoying a black tea latte in Starbucks huhu, got addicted to Starbucks nowadays since I had the Java Chip Frap with wei nie ( the scent of the coffee is irreplacable). Anyway, that isnt the main point, ok, updates ; I just stopped working 3 days ago! woohoo! Had my farewell party with high school friends, was really fun and touching cos so many people actually turned up despite some are busy with examinations and studying all over the country. Played pool in Bilardo Pool and Cafe for about 2 hours as a starter programme, followed by dinner in 4 Happy Seasons Restaurant :) Though the party was fun, I strongly recommend those around Wangsa Maju not to go to 4 seasons, the service there is so lousy, long serving time is one but not the main problem, the worst part is i walked in earlier to book a table for 12 and wtf they told me ther is no record of it!!! Can you be more pissed than that? As if thats not the worst they can do, and then they just let us sit in some cramped up space with tables forcefully joined together.
Anyway, received a giant card from my friends and will post up the pictures the next time when i take a good picture of it, and I am already planning to bring it all the way to the UK with me. So yeah, will take a good picture of it in my room in London before i post it up. :)
Will be doing my Visa tomorrow. Wish me luck. It is one hell of a screwed up thing in life, in short "Visa's a bitch"
Ok, Lets look on the darker side, I lost 10 games of dota in the past 11 games. :( Stayed up till 4.30 a.m. with abs and alf in alfs place and yet we still lose like dog. None of our strategies seemed to work out. hahaaha.... had fun though. :) on another note, maybe i should just retire from dota.
O yeah, and horrifyingly, Cass is asking us to get prepared for Actuarial Science, Maths Diagnostic Tests (wth?) and gave us a short reading list (i thought only oxbridge do that). Anyway, was pretty pleased when I saw the KYUEM ads and saw many 3As to 4As students going to City to read Actuarial Science with me... Heard rumours about KTJ advertisements that they purposedly singled out me and Jason (both Straight As from their high achiever's list ads on NST) cos I dont acknowledge that City is an excellent university. If that is true, how dumpshit is it for them to do so.... Thats all for now....
BYE reader (s) <<<<<<<<<< Cos I know at least a person will be reading it :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I hate an epidemic "crisis" like this......
People make a big hoo hah for small things like a flu.
Blame the sub standard health service in Malaysia for the high death rate.
Bring me into ISA for condemning Malaysian Health Services if you wish to.
PS: Sub standard is consideraby a mild term to describe our health service
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Post BTN life
Sorry to all readers out there for the lack of update =D
but my life seems to get so busy nowadays that i barely have time for myself anyway so, now that I can find this opportunity to finally sit down along and write my blog, here i come!!!!
Lets go on a high note first to kick start this rusty blog, BTN WAS ACTUALLY FUN!!! I couldnt believe it even till now that I actually finished 5 days of what ppl usually deemed as political torturing..... Now what makes BTN great,
1. Great friends in the camp (Special mention to Jason, Jeven, Velu, Shan, Tian Huey, Zhen, Sharon, Kubheran, Syafiq, Bhavik, Vin nie, Ei Jean, Ling Chaer, Qurret, hahaha and i know you are getting pissed already Victor, of course u are not left out my gay partner, except that i dont really like your sugar rush moments =D)
2. Late night sessions =P (all the crap that we talk about and of course the card game !)
3. Some of the LDK sessions are actually not sleep inducing LOL
4. I didnt screw up my speech =D
5. Travelling in klang sentral was fun too : )
6. The food was great (for a camp like BTN)
7. Toilet cleanliness was on par with the one at home =.=""
Now onto the next great note was my first ever visit to MSLS and though not something remarkably fantastic but was a great experience.... Met some of my seniors :D they are all doing well overseas which is good. The talk however i thought was pretty redundant most of the time. Speakers tend to state the obvious or just dangling around without really answering the questions given. Mahathir's Speech was kinda good but then filled with deception and sarcasm one of which that I enjoyed was "Nowadays many people are becoming Tun, some who contributed nothing also get to become Tun just because he was once a leader" "Students should be studying instead of involving themselves in political activities like si DSAI itu when he was young" " I didnt arrest anyone when I was in power" =o but ok la, his charisma is undeniably still commendable :D the only down part of the MSLS is that I missed KJ's talk (Khairy Jamaluddin). because i promised my boss that i will be working on that Sunday. Well not deeply sad though :)
After that, my hardwork in doing all these part time jobs during this summer holiday is actually paying off by now, I suddenly feel richer than I ever before did, finally being able to buy any food or clothings that I desire, though the fact that the Bonia shoe that i saw didnt have my size killed my shopping excitement (i know i sound like a girl now.. lol)
Had a nice haircut =D
Lastly and of course the best me and Wei Nie both did very well for our A levels results !!!
and to Wei Nie, of course I am proud of you, in fact I was relieved to hear that you did well otherwise I wont be able to write this post now anyway because I am most probably comforting you now on the phone XD
5 more weeks in KL, I cant believe it, my childhood dream is actually so near now!!! Gimme 5 (anybody reading the blog)
K la k la, I need to go now, yeah I am sorry that I still cant upload my pics will do so when I am in London =D
Till the next time I update... See you and congrats to all who did well in the exams especially Abraham who spent all his time with me in KTJ till late night playing Dota.. I was really happy to hear that i didnt ruin your future =D Come to KL as soon as possible k?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
shit P1
P1 is fast
P1 is stable
P1 can let me play GG which is good
P1 can stream video incredibly fast compared to its rivals
but P1 apparently is posing to me a big problem
I cant upload images or videos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P1: Packet one Broadband
Monday, July 20, 2009
Lost in thoughts
Sorry for the lack of update.... I am rather busy nowadays for reasons like
1. I sold my Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to my old company (at a bargained price =D)
2. By accident, I am a SPM add maths tuition teacher now
3. Finished 2 books for this holiday ; harry potter and the deathly hallows and Deception Point
4. Accompanying my friends to Cyber Cafe for hours (up to 8 hours a day on day offs)
5. Addicted to a tvb drama
6. Sleeping till 11 on all off days (the best ever)
7. Chatting with random people on msn. !@#$%^?????
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Rotting at home
While i detest the fact that i have to work on weekends from 10 to 10, staying at home not workign didnt seem to be of much better, haih, i have to resort to story books, (finally finished the last book of harry potter, i think i had been following the series for maybe 6 years?) games, seem to be boring for me.... (no friends to play with) not to mention that my flu though getting better, yet it did not seem to recover fully yet...... flu = no outing, on the upside however, my laptop is now fine! not to mention that i am now officially a specky boy which makes me look more like a geek =.=. fine whatever....
bla bla bla, just being an old man for a moment.....
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sick Sick Sick,
I am sick of working from 10 to 10
I am currently sick because i have got insufficient sleep for a long time
My laptop is still sick....
My, my sick sick
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Renewed Inspiration
Did you all miss me?hahahhahah
Finally, the final rout of my spell in KTJ has been over, Speech Day was as usual, nothing really special, Congrats though to all the award winners!
That isnt going to be the highlight of this post, instead, the BNM Pre Departure Camp will be. It was held in the the sweet BNM clubhouse named Lanai Kijang which is so spacious and well equiped with 5 star room services, one of the most well equipped gym (which has treadmill that lets you watch TV while running), not to mention that they have a well maintained steam bath room (which Bhavik and I were addicted to), Jacuzzi and Sauna. In the Clubhouse, there is also a swimming pool, KTV lounge(which is only opened to the staff), Futsal and tennis court. I didnt really take picture of them because everytime I go to these places, I was prepared to workout myself, which then only make sense for me to leave my phone in the room.
Yeah the facilities were great, the conductor of the programme however slightly fell short of my expectations. Nevertheless, they generally didnt fail to convey the message across. However the limelight is on the final session ogf us with Mr. Ed (he wants to be called so), grasduated from University of Michigan and is currently the Director of the Human Resource Department of BNM, and mind you, he is only in his early thirties! To be frank, I did hear about him before his arrival mainly due to the fact that he is the youngest director in the whole BNM. Well hearing about his achievement has already made a good impression of all the participants towards him only for us to be knocked back during his session by his unmatched charisma and oratory skills, He is so calm when he speaks not to mention that he conducted his session in such a modern approach that he doesnt seem to be the typical civil servant that we all are accustomed to. In fact, during our visit to the Bank itself, we meet many people whom I think are moulded with professionalism that they all seem to be as good if not better than the private sector. Back to Mr. Ed, he conducted this "1.50 game" where every girl is given a value of 1 ringgit while guys with the value of 50 sen and ask us to create groups which matched his given value, e.g. he says 5 ringgit, so we will have to form groups of say 5 girls or 10 boys or 3 girls with 4 boys and any other possible combination. Well the game seemed to be easy but it served its purpose, to bring out the ugly side of every person as people tend to start grabbing each other, not to mention ditching their own friends to stay in the game. He then intelligently accessed us after the game followed by a short presentation by him and seriously, his speech was so good that it turns out to be one of the turning point in my life, as I am now more determined than ever to achieve the best out of my potential and eventually come back to serve the bank and work together with great people like Mr. Ed. Indeed, he is my new idol now. =)
O yeah, that was supposed to be the last part of the post, but nevermind, Mr. Ed's session was so great that i had to put that first before i talk about the other activities of our entire programme. the first 3 days were slightly boring, we were there to learn about goal setting and team building through both games and lectures...zZz. We then had a chance to visit the the money factory (which doesnt print bank notes) lol, there we get to hug million ringgit while sleeping on tonnes of money, well there isnt anything great about that becuase those money arent yours =( and I didnt get to take pictures of them due to security reasons that doesnt allow us to bring in anything except of course that we can have our clothes on. Besides that, we did visit BNM headquarters, particularly the dealing room, where you see stressed out people there working to manage the Banks portfolios e.g govt bonds, treasuries, trusts, and Foreign reserves. From what I was told of, the dealing room is supposed to be the "coolest" room where they have special chairs which could cost up to 4000+ ringgit per chair, with 2 monitors for every single employees as they need one to monitor the stock market while the other to get their works done. At the end of each line of working table, there is also a Plasma Tv that shows bloomberg and CNN =O. Not forgetting that they have this special phone that they can use to contact any given commercial banks in the country with a single button!
Ok la, I think thats it for now, I am going to upload pictures of the entire programme as soon as I get a hold of my laptop ( which is being repaired). =) for now I am going to enjoy my short break because I am going back to work in my old company Pasaya as a part time salesman every friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Finally, get to upload the pictures that i promised.... hahha

Post Jailed syndrome
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Life after FP3.....
Since I am now using my junior's laptop to post something onto my blog, I dont have much time, but perhaps I can tell you guys out there about my life through "thousands of words"

its a bug, a man faced bug....:o

Okay la, thats all for now..... After this: BNM Pre Departure Programme, will be looking forward to blog about that.....
Mr. Foliage

Okay la, thats all for now..... After this: BNM Pre Departure Programme, will be looking forward to blog about that.....
Mr. Foliage
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The next phase of my life
I am finally at the doorstep of the exit of a 2 year spell in Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar which by all means not a college but a high school. Full of bittersweet memories, I would say that I enjoy the last 2 terms here the most despite they were full of examinations because prior to that I was having a bit of trouble settling into a boarding school not to mention that I only had few sincere friends before that. Anyway, this is the place that taught me a lot of things which i believe that will have a major impact on how I approach society in the future, This is the place I mature, the place where I become a man, the place that I eventually love. Special thanks to my housemaster Mr. Catto too who have taken good care of me. =)
Now, now, my next stop is either Cass business school which is under City University or Heriot Watt. Of course I would prefer to be in Cass instead of Heriot Watt mainly due to the reason that it is located in london not to mention that Cass Faculty of Actuarial Science is the largest in Europe and second best only to UPENN! Not to mention the head of the Institute of Actuaries is from Cass. Oh I forgot to mention that I can only get in with a straight As results in my A levels so fingers crossed ><
Cass Business School
Which is why i have an insurance choice in hand too, as mentioned above is Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. It is excellent for Actuarial Science too, and on top of excellence, the impression given to me is that it is located in a beautiful environnment with lakes and hills, not to mention swans =.=. Even then, I need AAB to get in.
Part of Heriot wattUniversity
there is of course one last option if i dont make the grades : suicide =)
thats all for today. Bye
I am finally at the doorstep of the exit of a 2 year spell in Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar which by all means not a college but a high school. Full of bittersweet memories, I would say that I enjoy the last 2 terms here the most despite they were full of examinations because prior to that I was having a bit of trouble settling into a boarding school not to mention that I only had few sincere friends before that. Anyway, this is the place that taught me a lot of things which i believe that will have a major impact on how I approach society in the future, This is the place I mature, the place where I become a man, the place that I eventually love. Special thanks to my housemaster Mr. Catto too who have taken good care of me. =)
Now, now, my next stop is either Cass business school which is under City University or Heriot Watt. Of course I would prefer to be in Cass instead of Heriot Watt mainly due to the reason that it is located in london not to mention that Cass Faculty of Actuarial Science is the largest in Europe and second best only to UPENN! Not to mention the head of the Institute of Actuaries is from Cass. Oh I forgot to mention that I can only get in with a straight As results in my A levels so fingers crossed ><

Cass Business School
Which is why i have an insurance choice in hand too, as mentioned above is Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. It is excellent for Actuarial Science too, and on top of excellence, the impression given to me is that it is located in a beautiful environnment with lakes and hills, not to mention swans =.=. Even then, I need AAB to get in.

there is of course one last option if i dont make the grades : suicide =)
thats all for today. Bye
28/06/09: My mathematic teacher

However, despite me having such fond feelings for him, I can still remember he doesnt exactly have the same for me. There was once when I was in my class that my phone suddenly rang due to some stupid DIGI advertisement =( and he actually confiscated my phone and never gave it back to me but instead handed it back to my housemaster. From his gesture and facial expression, i can tell that he thinks that i am one of those rich man's sons who couldnt care less about studies and blessed with all these fancy phones. =)
But as time goes by, i believe his attitude towards me changed. though I tend to look blur in class for some reason (which has made my new pure maths teacher think that i couldnt understand his teaching most of the time). Not to mention that his cheerful demeanour and quirky sense of humour as Tian Huey puts it, never failed to take off the tension in a room.
The days that follow were interesting. He slowly shapes our thoughts not just on mathematics but also on philosophical aspects and lateral thinking which both of them have now been my favourite reading subject. I think the most enjoyable thing to be learning under his guidance is that he never teaches you to just memorise some formulae and then apply it, instead he will ensure that we not only understands the theory but know of its origin.
Now that he had left the school because the board of governors thinks that he is too old to teach anymore.... which i doubt that the board is sane, there is nothing that students like us could do to change it. He did "retire" last year this time and I believe that KTJ can never find an adequate replacement for him.
I was glad that we finally visited him in Seremban 2 weeks ago, seeing him still as cheerful and perhaps even healthier than before, producing marquetries in his free time while at the same time writing his own biography. To my surprise, we actually stayed for approximately 3 hours in the visit doing nothing but listening to him talking about his past experience (which consists mainly of his travelling experiences) and the best part of the visit was when Mr. Dickman asked him "Why didnt you schedule your flight to Sweden after the Speech Day? Cant you ask before you book your ticket? This will be the first ever Speech Day without Tony Finch". Finch answered "then you might as well cancel it"
Some other facts about him
1. He speaks English, French, German, Russian, Polish, Arabic, Malay, Italian and Spanish!
2. He travelled to more than 100 countries, some of which no longer exist today!
3. He is a descendant of Royal Astronomers and Swedish Aristocrats!
4. He was hired by KTJ before it was even opened!
5. He has 4000 CDs (all instrumental) in his common room and they are insured!
Thanks a lot Sir, and I believe everybody in our class will miss you..

28/06/09: Out of Boredom
Hi people out there,
I used to spend tonnes of my time reading people's blog, not just friends but also random blogs to kill off my time whenever i am bored. But this time, I feel a little more adventurous, perhaps it is time for me to start a new blog, now that i am in the midst of boredom and emoness, perhaps this is the perfect time for me to initiate one of my own. so yeah... Here I am. hmmm before i start with another post, let me explain why the blog is so much based on the theme "Leaf and life" it is because it is mostly about Yip's Life (Yip means leaf in Cantonese). =) ermm.. the reason why i choose A leaf as the the title instead of The leaf is because i believe i am an ordinary person in this word and the fact that there are so many other leaves (Yips) out there.... hahaaha. Cant believe my first post is full of rambling. I am also still configuring things on my blog, clicking here and there. hopefully it will turn out nice. Anybody out there who have suggestions as to how I can improve my blog can just leave a comment on the cbox.
I used to spend tonnes of my time reading people's blog, not just friends but also random blogs to kill off my time whenever i am bored. But this time, I feel a little more adventurous, perhaps it is time for me to start a new blog, now that i am in the midst of boredom and emoness, perhaps this is the perfect time for me to initiate one of my own. so yeah... Here I am. hmmm before i start with another post, let me explain why the blog is so much based on the theme "Leaf and life" it is because it is mostly about Yip's Life (Yip means leaf in Cantonese). =) ermm.. the reason why i choose A leaf as the the title instead of The leaf is because i believe i am an ordinary person in this word and the fact that there are so many other leaves (Yips) out there.... hahaaha. Cant believe my first post is full of rambling. I am also still configuring things on my blog, clicking here and there. hopefully it will turn out nice. Anybody out there who have suggestions as to how I can improve my blog can just leave a comment on the cbox.
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