Did you all miss me?hahahhahah
Finally, the final rout of my spell in KTJ has been over, Speech Day was as usual, nothing really special, Congrats though to all the award winners!
That isnt going to be the highlight of this post, instead, the BNM Pre Departure Camp will be. It was held in the the sweet BNM clubhouse named Lanai Kijang which is so spacious and well equiped with 5 star room services, one of the most well equipped gym (which has treadmill that lets you watch TV while running), not to mention that they have a well maintained steam bath room (which Bhavik and I were addicted to), Jacuzzi and Sauna. In the Clubhouse, there is also a swimming pool, KTV lounge(which is only opened to the staff), Futsal and tennis court. I didnt really take picture of them because everytime I go to these places, I was prepared to workout myself, which then only make sense for me to leave my phone in the room.
Yeah the facilities were great, the conductor of the programme however slightly fell short of my expectations. Nevertheless, they generally didnt fail to convey the message across. However the limelight is on the final session ogf us with Mr. Ed (he wants to be called so), grasduated from University of Michigan and is currently the Director of the Human Resource Department of BNM, and mind you, he is only in his early thirties! To be frank, I did hear about him before his arrival mainly due to the fact that he is the youngest director in the whole BNM. Well hearing about his achievement has already made a good impression of all the participants towards him only for us to be knocked back during his session by his unmatched charisma and oratory skills, He is so calm when he speaks not to mention that he conducted his session in such a modern approach that he doesnt seem to be the typical civil servant that we all are accustomed to. In fact, during our visit to the Bank itself, we meet many people whom I think are moulded with professionalism that they all seem to be as good if not better than the private sector. Back to Mr. Ed, he conducted this "1.50 game" where every girl is given a value of 1 ringgit while guys with the value of 50 sen and ask us to create groups which matched his given value, e.g. he says 5 ringgit, so we will have to form groups of say 5 girls or 10 boys or 3 girls with 4 boys and any other possible combination. Well the game seemed to be easy but it served its purpose, to bring out the ugly side of every person as people tend to start grabbing each other, not to mention ditching their own friends to stay in the game. He then intelligently accessed us after the game followed by a short presentation by him and seriously, his speech was so good that it turns out to be one of the turning point in my life, as I am now more determined than ever to achieve the best out of my potential and eventually come back to serve the bank and work together with great people like Mr. Ed. Indeed, he is my new idol now. =)
O yeah, that was supposed to be the last part of the post, but nevermind, Mr. Ed's session was so great that i had to put that first before i talk about the other activities of our entire programme. the first 3 days were slightly boring, we were there to learn about goal setting and team building through both games and lectures...zZz. We then had a chance to visit the the money factory (which doesnt print bank notes) lol, there we get to hug million ringgit while sleeping on tonnes of money, well there isnt anything great about that becuase those money arent yours =( and I didnt get to take pictures of them due to security reasons that doesnt allow us to bring in anything except of course that we can have our clothes on. Besides that, we did visit BNM headquarters, particularly the dealing room, where you see stressed out people there working to manage the Banks portfolios e.g govt bonds, treasuries, trusts, and Foreign reserves. From what I was told of, the dealing room is supposed to be the "coolest" room where they have special chairs which could cost up to 4000+ ringgit per chair, with 2 monitors for every single employees as they need one to monitor the stock market while the other to get their works done. At the end of each line of working table, there is also a Plasma Tv that shows bloomberg and CNN =O. Not forgetting that they have this special phone that they can use to contact any given commercial banks in the country with a single button!
Ok la, I think thats it for now, I am going to upload pictures of the entire programme as soon as I get a hold of my laptop ( which is being repaired). =) for now I am going to enjoy my short break because I am going back to work in my old company Pasaya as a part time salesman every friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Finally, get to upload the pictures that i promised.... hahha

Post Jailed syndrome
the bank seems to be fun.