So, It really had been a year now..... I still cant believe that the last time I actually blog was when I last September. For those that actually visited my blog during that long interim, I apologise. In fact, I myself was shocked to see the hit count to have hit 9640....
What do I want to blog now then?

the unstoppable ascent of China's dominance?

The Long overdue financial Crisis?

My pathetic dull exam experience?
Not really
Instead I am going to talk about why the UK is doomed to fail amid the recent financial crisis.

Yes, David Cameron is the very first reason why the country is going to fail under his guidance:
For a start, this moron here, couldn't even win a majority government by himself despite the exorbitant funding that his party receives not to mention he was also against one of the most unpopular Prime Minister of all time, Mr. Gordon Brown.
Secondly, Mr. Nick Clegg, the one who sparked the so called "Cleggamania" making almost everyone of my age group goes crazy over him and yet won only a mere 50+ seats in the general elections...(the exact number is insignificant here because as I put it, a mere 50+ seats).
As though that wasn't bad enough, the 2 morons formed a coalition between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives. Spot the irony there ( Liberal vs Conservative) Okay, you may want to argue that Mr. Nick here had no choice but to form the coalition with the Conservatives. Let me quote him on something that you might want to change your mind.

In addressing the public regarding the differences between the Lids(Liberal Democrats) and the Con, "What I'm discovering is we've been using different words for a long time - it actually means the same thing. Liberalism, big society. Empowerment, responsibility. It means the same thing." @@
Liberalism and big society the same thing? hello? Then are Communism and Capitalism essentially the same to you?
As though the results and what they said are not enough to demonstrate why they are bunch of monkeys in suits. Lets look at what kind of policy that they plan to implement in the near future and some, even already implemented
1. Increasing the UK Capital Gain Tax from 18% to 40%! (If these politicians have any sense, one of UK's biggest chunk of National income comes from its financial sector... levying such a huge big Capital Gain's tax will cripple the freaking financial sector!)
2. Increasing the VAT to 20% (Self explanatory - If only these politicians realised that the VAT is of regressive nature)
3. Cut fiscal spending by 6 billion pounds (Yeah yeah, I understand that you need to pay your debt, but hey, the recession is not even over yet) And they even cut on higher education funding... Already the UK universities are incompetent when compared to its US counterpart, comes now a moron who wants to cut funding.
4. David Cameron "Big Society" Plans.... which consists of
Giving greater financial autonomy and a general power of competence to local authorities
Using money from dormant bank accounts to set up a "Big Society Bank" to finance neighbourhood groups, charities, social enterprises and other non-governmental bodies;
Supporting charities, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives that want to run public services, and allowing public sector workers to take over their services;If you still haven't spotted the problem about this big society thingy, Mr. Cameron, let me remind you something, we don't leave in an idealistic society, you are only opening up the system to more room for corruption...
5. The bailout of Greece by the EU only make things worse. Ladies and gentlemen, the mat salleh who once upon a time condemned Tun Mahathir's action of bailing out local banks during the 1997 Crisis in South East Asia, are now not only bailing out their banks... they even bailout country, with Spain next on the list and some even spotted Poland and Italy soon after, the EU, which the UK is unfortunately part of, is also damned. (as my economics lecturer pointed out, Poland, Italy, Greece and Spain - PIGS. What next? the EU being bailed out?
6. Pounds Sterling dropping to all time record low.... Hey isnt that good for exports and would also curb import. (FYI, the UK doesn't really produce anything for export purposes.. so with any common sense, the depreciation of the Pound Sterling is a bad news...
7. The biggest deficit the UK government face during peace time.
8. The large scale immigration of Eastern Europeans into the UK, let's just see what will happen when Turkey joins the EU.
9. The intermittent strike by major British corporations such as the British Airways, Royal Mail and National Rail.
10. The welfare model that rewards those who stay unemployed and download pirated movies at home at the expense of taxpayers.
11. The volcanic ash that caused flight disruption.
12. The weakening of UK's biggest ally the United States of America.

That's all for now.... Good luck for my exams!
Regards to all my readers.
Mr. Leaf